
Person in pain

Families ‘suicidal’ and at breaking point in lockdown

Est. Reading: 3 minutes

Parents and children are at breaking point in lockdown, with some suicidal, as families are struggling to pay bills, heat homes and put food on the table, Action for Children has warned.

The charity’s survey of frontline staff found that some isolated new mothers were even saying that they wished they hadn’t had their babies this [...]

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Emphasis on catching up at school is unhelpful

Est. Reading: 3 minutes

The emphasis on children ‘catching up’ at school is unhelpful, the British Psychological Society has warned, urging a focus instead on supporting the wellbeing and educational needs of all children.

The BPS is concerned that focusing on lost learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic misses the mark, particularly for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

Dr Dan [...]

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Special Report: Accountability and Reparations for survivors of non-recent abuse

Est. Reading: 7 minutes

The terms ‘accountability’ and ‘reparations’ mean different things to different victims and survivors of child sexual abuse, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse found.

Some survivors told the Inquiry’s investigation into accountability and reparations that they wanted apologies, acknowledgement, assurance of non-recurrence, others wanted their abuser to be punished and holding institutions to account. Many [...]

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Redress: Why we need to listen to victims and survivors

Est. Reading: 10 minutes

Clare Jerrom talks to Emma Lewis about her experience of the care system, her unique work with care leavers and the importance of listening to victims and survivors

The greatest insult to a victim and survivor of non-recent child sexual abuse is to suggest that they are only interested in financial compensation to make up for [...]

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Progressive nature of Scottish government in terms of child abuse risks being undermined

Est. Reading: 8 minutes

Kim Leslie is a partner at Digby Brown solicitors in Edinburgh, having worked for the firm for 20 years. Kim’s specialism is non-accidental injury, and in particular, historical abuse cases as well as CICA claims and stalking. She is accredited with the Law Society in Scotland and as a Senior Litigator by the Association of [...]

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A Redress Scheme would be ‘less legalistic’… but the investigation would be less thorough

Est. Reading: 7 minutes

Clare Jerrom speaks to defendant lawyer Chris Webb-Jenkins, who has 20 years' experience acting for social care providers in the public, private and voluntary sectors, about the possibility of a Redress Scheme being introduced for survivors of abuse in England.

Victims and survivors of child sexual abuse seeking ‘their day in court’ to hold the accused [...]

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