Foster carers to get training to enhance children’s educational prospects
London training scheme seeks to help 2,000 foster carers and teaching staff raise the educational aspirations and achievement of fostered children.
The Fostering Network is to train 2,000 foster carers and teaching staff as part of a programme to boost the educational fortunes of children [...]
More than 2,000 youth workers axed in past two years, research finds
In excess of 2,000 youth worker posts have been cut and 350 youth centres have closed since 2012, according to latest research by Unison.
The research, into the effect of austerity measures on local youth service provision, also found 41,000 youth service [...]
Children's commissioner to investigate impact of family immigration rules.
The Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England has launched an investigation into the harm family immigration rule changes are causing to children.
The government brought in tougher family immigration rules in 2012 including a minimum income threshold for UK residents wanting to bring a non-EU partner or [...]
Are you up to the test? Children's social workers face knowledge test
New children’s social workers will have to pass a test of their knowledge in order to become an approved practitioner as part of government attempts to improve the quality of the profession, it has been announced.
The test will be based on a range of [...]
Plans for child social worker gold standard unclear and unfinished
The Department for Education's new status for social workers remains a work in progress with little clarity of benefits of the scheme.
The Department for Education has announced a ‘gold standard’ for children and families social workers designed to improve the quality of safeguarding [...]
‘New blueprint future training social workers’, announced by Isabelle Trowler
Described as coming “as part of the most significant transformation to the profession in a generation”, this publication coincides with the Government launching plans for a new gold standard for social workers.
What social workers who work with children and families need to know and do will [...]
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