Stephen Gray

WP-Risk is managed by Stephen Gray

Stephen Gray

WP-Risk is managed by Stephen Gray
Stephen Gray 1

WP-Risk is managed by Stephen Gray who has extensive experience in the public and private sector in the areas of forensic risk, in respect of both assessment and intervention.

Between 2006 and 2012 Stephen Gray was Chief Executive and Founder of Oracle Care, a national therapeutic residential and educational resource for young people who present sexually harmful behaviours.   Since then he has worked as a consultant to a range of social services, health authorities and public protection agencies in devising and revising policy, advising on risk management strategies for complex risk-related scenarios in cases of sexual abuse.

Stephen Gray has been commissioned by local authorities to undertake structured forensic risk assessments and risk reduction interventions with adolescents and adults of both genders who are viewed as displaying risks of sexual abuse, physical violence and fire setting behaviours. This work often requires applying a systemic approach offering therapeutic interventions to enable family members and victims enhance their coping skills and capacity to maintain safe protective boundaries. Family work has often involved restorative processes and therapeutic interventions to resume contact and rehabilitation.

Stephen is regularly commissioned to assess complex cases, high profile scenarios which require evidence-based formulation to make defensible risk-related decisions. Stephen takes a lead role in the coordination of multi-agency case management during this process. Stephen has retained an interest in organisational analyses and change management regularly advising or mentoring senior management teams to develop their skills and practice. For several years, Stephen has been involved in training social workers, psychologists and managers in the aetiology, assessment and interventions relating to various conduct disordered behaviours. This has included speaking at national conferences and teaching on post-graduate degrees at Salford University and other institutions.

Stephen has undertaken a diverse range of leadership roles that have incorporated clinical and social work practice at senior levels. He has a strong interest in creating, changing and improving people-focussed organisations.

Stephen has always sought to enhance my professional competence through a range of applied academic studies and self-directed research.  I hold a professional qualification in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy. In addition to this Stephen's post-graduate qualification in forensic behavioural science was linked to the advancement of his clinical practice.

Throughout Stephen's career, he has used his extensive experience as a consultant to assist Social Services, Health Authorities and Public Protection Agencies in devising/revising policy, designing organisational environments and advising on the Risk Management strategies for complex, at times politically sensitive risk-related scenarios in community, educational and residential settings.

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