New WP Logo
New WillisPalmer Logo

WillisPalmer is 10 years old and If you’re reading this, then welcome to the new WillisPalmer website and with this new look you'll have probably noticed the new WillisPalmer logo....

We are now in our tenth year of business and what better way to kick off the next decade than a fresh new look...

Hopefully your experience of our new site will be an improvement, but if you have any comments, we’d love to hear your feedback. You can use our new look contact us page..

Did you like our article on 'WillisPalmer turning 10'? Why not find out more:

We are a national network of independent experienced social workers, psychologists, forensic risk assessment experts and qualified therapists

We are the UK’s largest provider of independent social workers, psychologists, forensic risk assessment experts and qualified therapists. We are able to help with a range of multi-disciplinary assessments.

We have been providing expert reports since 2004, serving local authorities, solicitors and independent organisations throughout the UK and overseas. As a social work owned and operated company, we ensure that children remain at the centre of everything we do.

Whether you’re looking to venture into the world of independent social work or want to instruct one of our experts, we are here to help and look forward to working with you.

Delivering a diverse, reliable range of services to children and their families across the UK
Registered Address:
Speed Medical House, Matrix Park, Chorley, Lancashire, England, PR7 7NA
Tel: 01206 878178Contact Us

A Mackman Group collaboration - market research by Mackman Research | website design by Mackman