Social workers to renew registration

HCPC opens re-registration window for social workers from 1 September to November 30 2016.

Social workers are to re-register with the Health and Care Professions Council from this month.

The regulator announced that its period for the renewal of registration for social workers is between 1 September and 30 November 2016.

Registrants must complete a professional declaration and pay a renewal fee no later than midnight on 30 November to avoid being removed from the register. HCPC registration manger Dushyan Ashton has urged social workers to complete their registration sooner rather than later to avoid any disruption to their practice.

Registration costs £180 for two years although the fee is tax deductible, which means that registrants paying the standard 20 per cent tax rate can reclaim a 20 per cent refund from HMRC. New UK graduates from a HCPC approved course have their fee reduced for the first two 'professional years’ by 50 per cent to £90.

A random sample of 2.5 per cent of the profession will also be selected to submit a continuing professional development (CPD) profile during this period. Those selected for audit will receive a separate letter after the renewal notices are sent out. More information, including sample profiles, activity types and video guides, is available here.

Details of how to renew the registration are available here.


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