Social work whistle-blowers to receive greater legal protection

Whistle-blowers in children’s social work will be protected following an amendment to the Children and Social Work Bill.


A new legal protection for whistle-blowers applying for jobs in children’s social care has been announced by Business Minister Margot James.

Ms James said: “Those working with the most vulnerable children in society need to be able to blow the whistle about concerns they have within their organisation and when they make a protected disclosure they should have no fear of being blacklisted and unable to find a new role.”

The government has worked with Lord Wills to agree an amendment to the Children and Social Work Bill.

The amendment will mean that people applying for jobs with social care functions in local authorities will not be penalised because they have previously made protected disclosures about their organisation.

It has also been announced that the government will review the existing code of practice for employers about their responsibilities in regard to whistleblowing by the end of 2017.

Ms James added: “I am pleased to have been able to work with Lord Wills and take action to extend employment protections for these workers. This will put more emphasis on employers to follow best practice and provides greater protection for their workers.”

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