Expert child abuse litigation services in Scotland

Expert child abuse litigation services in Scotland

WillisPalmer offers expert services in relation to Child Abuse Litigation Services in Scotland.

We have a dedicated team of 20 trained and skilled social workers in Scotland ready to take on work in the Child Abuse Litigation field and provide a high quality and authoritative service.

Having worked in England for the past 13 years, WillisPalmer’s expert professionals have undertaken case file preparation, chronologies, preliminary and full reports in cases of non-recent child abuse.

Our extensive experience working with Lambeth Council on their Redress Scheme has provided us with invaluable experience in the litigation field. We have an established team of social workers in Wales undertaking this work and earlier this year we carried out training with 20 experienced social workers in Scotland to equip them with the skills required for this complex area of social work.

WillisPalmer’s Child Abuse Litigation Service is headed by our Executive Consultant Philip King, who has more than 15 years’ experience in this arena. Philip provides training and support for each social worker and quality assures every report.

Philip King said: "We all know that at times child protection systems do fail for a variety of reasons. Quite rightly, society expects that the most vulnerable are properly protected from harm; the children themselves have a statutory right to this protection in a reasonable exercise of a duty of care by child protection agencies.

"However, these are complex cases where difficult judgements have had to be made in difficult circumstances.

"Our service provides the right expert, producing high-quality work which meets the needs of your client’s case. Whether your client is a claimant or defendant we will prepare the same expert analysis to allow a fair and balanced determination of a claim," he added.

Our Child Abuse Litigation Service has already started work in Scotland and we have trained and experienced social workers in Scotland ready to help you with cases.

For more information about our Scottish Child Abuse Litigation Service, contact Philip King at or our senior case manager Tracy Lias at

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